CAVEAT! There's probably some errors here. I printed a few, found some errors, went and fixed them for the PDF. BUT WAIT. Crossword puzzle, page 7, 20 Down: "Vampire 'con" should've been "Decepticon who THOUGHT he was a SparkEater." This is a pretty big error on my part. I apologize. It was late etc. etc. IT WAS DIPSTICK'S FAULT. If there are other errors, you and the rest of the internet will let me know. I'll take any other feedback as well. Enjoy.
Here's a PDF of the whole thing for you to download.

Crossword puzzle answers:
6. Lockdown
7. Thought
8. Auteur
9. Whirl
12. Garnack
14. Crosscut
17. Flint
19. Wheeljack
22. Steeljaw
25. Swindle
27. Eyesocket
29. Waspinator
32. Getaway
33. Eyebrows
34. Fulcrum
35. Blurr
1. Animus
2. Tankor
3. Doorframe
4. Bob
5. Proteus
10. Ratbat
11. Whitney
13. Killmaster
15. Shockwave
16. Conjunx
18. Handsome
20. Blip
21. TailPIPE
23. Dent
24. Nightmare
26. Galvatron
28. Ornament
30. Wrench
31. Turmoil
Errors? Oops. I blame Dipstick.
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